Sunday, November 4, 2012

Angels Rejoicing

After spending nearly 50 days waiting in Ivory Coast, our team was anxious to hit the road again.

If I have ever lacked trust in God’s timing before, I can testify now all the more how he places you where you need to be, more than where you think you should be.  As if that isn’t enough, our God gets you where you need to be and when you need to be.

Despite the month long setback, we made our way towards the middle of Ivory Coast.  We visited 4 villages in the same day, and in all four villages we saw signs of God moving.  Specifically in the second village we visited.  After our time was coming to a close we asked if there was anyone sick or injured we could pray for.  The village enthusiastically said yes as a handful of people asked for specific prayers.  As we were sitting in an open wooden framed grass hut, we prayed for five people.  After we were done praying, every one thanked us before we were going to leave.  But that wasn’t the end.  We felt stirred to pray again , but this time we requested that all of the children around watching laid hands and prayed with us.  This time as we finished praying, an elderly African lady was beaming.  Her smile seemed to reach both ears.  Through the translator she explained to us the pain was gone! She went on to say she was hurt last week carrying a lot of wood and couldn’t turn her back.  She pointed her finger and waved it back and forth signaling no as she started twisting rapidly side to as if she was trying to win a hoola hoop contest!  She explained I couldn’t do this before :)


This next story in Burkina Faso has made my trip.  While we were visiting our second village of the day, again we were about to leave before we saw a boy who was blind in one eye.  Of course hoping for our God to move again through a healing, we asked to pray for him.  As we finished praying and started to say our good byes, one of the elders of the community asked us to pray for a girl who was severely burned.  A little later we found out severe meant she didn’t have skin for a large part of her stomach, right thigh, and right hand.  The only treatment she had for her severe burns was wrapping them in leaves.  So we prayed for the girl and began to think what can we possibly do to help this girl out?  While we were processing a man came from the back of the village came and began speaking to our translator/church planter.  This man said he wanted to accept Christ.  He went on to say what we were doing in the village was a good thing.  He had been thinking about accepting Jesus for a while now, but today he made sure.  In the moment when he got down on his knees and cried out to God, I could feel the Angels in heaven rejoicing over this once lost soul.  Suddenly having skipped lunch,  running on lack of sleep, and standing in 100+ degree heat didn’t matter anymore.  The only thing that matters in the end was happening in that moment, I will never forget it.Shortly after the man accepted Christ, he met with a church planter to decide when he would be baptized and when they could set up times of discipleship.

After this man confessed his faith we decided the girl with the burns could not continue in the state she was in.  We elected to drive her to the nearest hospital.  We dropped her off and waited a little while before we left.  When our team was paying for her medical bill we learned she had a disease.  If she would not have been brought into the hospital in the next three days, she would have fallen into a coma and died.  Suddenly the extra month in Ivory Coast started to make a little more sense.

Isaiah 55:9 As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

We ask that you pray for this village in Southwest Burkina Faso.  It is still very much unreached, and mostly Muslim.  Pray God uses this man who as accepted Christ as a great influence in the community.  Also pray the girl who we took the hospital that she may see the love and light of Jesus in the situation!

Monday, October 29, 2012

North West Africa At A Glance

Here is a quick video post that captures some of what we have done and seen so far!  I hope as you watch this video you can see and feel the lives of those you have touched, prayed for, and supported through out the past five months.

Later this week I hope to have published a stories by God's grace of a healing and a salvation!

A special thanks to our team member Bowen Parish as he as poured many hours into this video!

Monday, September 10, 2012

P.U.S.H. - Pray Until Something Happens

After trekking through the Mountains of Morocco, the deserts of Mauritania, and the rainforests of West Africa, we are left with mixed feelings.   Excited for what the Lord is doing, yet burdened by some places that are so far from the Truth.  Some regions being without any known believers.   Yet in one of our last stays, that was far from the case.

In only the last few years thousands, yes THOUSANDS of simple (house) churches of an average size of 50 have started.  A region not far out of Civil War is seeing so much fruit! Thousands of Muslims coming to faith through dreams, visions, and miracles. I heard many of these stories during my training in Cape Town earlier in the year, then read about them in the book ‘Miraculous Movements’, but to see this happening first hand was simply astonishing. Astonishing enough to remind me of a few of my favorite stories in the Bible.

Nehemiah - God taking an ordinary man to do extraordinary things because of his prayer life. 

Daniel - A man dedicated and faithful in his prayer life, and God uses him for His Glory: Lions Den. Daniel 10 when an angel appears to him after 3 weeks of prayer and fasting.

The entire book of Acts – Specifically Peter miraculously set free from Prison: in verse 5 Peter was kept in prison, but earnest prayer for him was made to God by the church.

2 Chronicles 7, Luke 18, Isaiah 58...

Catching a theme here? Prayer is kind of a big deal.  It would be an understatement saying prayer is correlated to the movement happening in West Africa.  The first night our team arrived we went to what this church calls ‘power prayer night’. It happens every Wednesday for a couple hours.  The next night was an all night prayer meeting from 12am-6am.  This wasn’t your ordinary sign up for an hour time slot in a quiet, intimate, candle personal prayer time.  The church was full of 100+ men, women, and youth crying out to God, making declarations, singing and dancing all night, after which they took a nap, just a nap, carried on with their day, and the next evening they did it all over again, this time led by the women. Every village we stopped at had a specific intercessory team.  Prayer was everywhere, and all the time, literally.

After spending time reflecting on what we have seen and experienced, I couldn’t help but ask myself what does this mean for you and I?  Whether you are stateside working 40+ hours a week, a student, or you’re across the pond in a different nation serving, I see two things that are universal for a movement.

P.U.S.H.  Pray Until Something Happens, an awesome concept many of these church planters live by. 

And secondly, something you have heard before…  It’s not a magic process, but I can assure you when this is done successfully, it is unstoppable.

1 Corinthians 1;24  Not that we lord it over your faith, but we work with you for your joy, because it is by faith you stand firm. 

Discipleship at its core - Intentional relationships for Jesus, journeying together and bringing one another joy.  A relationship that doesn’t power above someone, but one rather that comes alongside to bring joy, Joy in Christ. What if all Christians actually lived with the joy of Christ? Helped to redeem joy that has been lost? Or more importantly, revealed this joy to those who have never tasted it before?  

The harvest is ripe, movements are happening. What role will you play?

*Thanks to Sonja and Anna for their photos!

PS - On top of our time learning from this movement, we were blessed to stay in the same guesthouse as Jerry Trousdale and David Garrison.  Jerry is the author of Miraculous Movements, which has captured some of these amazing testimonies!  I highly suggest the book to any believer.  David Garrison is a well known Church Planter as well. Again, keep an eye out for some books coming soon from him.  I can assure you they will be worth reading as we were given a brief preview! David is too humble to mention it, but if you hear some of his stories and don’t get chills, you will need to check your pulse.  Both incredible men of faith that really made our stay even all the more special!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Relational Mapping

Within the last few years there has been a large movement to see unreached and unengaged people groups reached. One reason for much of the recent awareness is credited to many of the organizations making them their priority. One of the most common examples of these organizations would be the Joshua Project. The Joshua Project is an excellent source of data.  Data consisting of maps, tribe histories, and statistics showing the percentage of Christians among different people groups and in different areas.  The Joshua Project collects data from numerous organizations enabling it to give broad information about almost everywhere in the world.

One of the unique and exciting aspects of our North West Africa Trip can be defined as ”relational mapping.”  Relational mapping is not only having knowledge about an unreached people group, but building relationships with people as a means of access into such a unreached people group.  Over the past week our team had the opportunity to connect with some friends who are long-term workers in Senegal.  In getting to see and support the things they have going on, we had the opportunity to take a day trip out to a desolate unengaged village.  This marked one of the most energizing and exciting days for our team. Being able to experience this quaint 20 person Fulani Tribe was so energizing. Seeing and experiencing the desperate need for Jesus in this village has given us a refreshed sense of motivation and excitement to keep building on what God is doing.

After receiving a warm welcoming from the entire village, the Chief immediately offered to slaughter a goat for our team. The goat however had to be saved for another time because of the lack of time we had in the village. One of the goals of visiting the village was to bless them with a water purifying system. Unfortunately due to a lack of resources it didn’t turn out the way we hoped, but our friend in Senegal now has a reason for a return visit soon to finish the water project and continue building relationship with this village!

Now having built relationships in this area, understanding the location, living conditions, and tribal norms, our team feels confident to prepare a team to revisit.  One of the exciting things we now know about is the lone Christian living in the village. He is living in secret for his safety. As he deeply longs for his village to know Jesus, pray for this man and for workers to be raised from this harvest! Lastly, continue to pray for us as we continue relationally mapping Africa and piece together how we could get more workers mobilized to engage in these areas.

Want to go to Senegal…?

Friday, July 20, 2012

When I reflect upon the times I have needed God the most, I fail to recollect a time where I have truly sought God’s heart and come up empty handed.  One of my all time favorite promises in scripture is James 4:8a Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.  What I find unique about this promise is that we don’t have to do anything to acquire God’s affection, its already there.  The Father heart of God is an unfailing, never ceasing, consistent love.  One my favorite ways to understand this concept of drawing near is looking at it in the form of love languages. David Watson says God’s love language to us is grace and mercy.  Our love language to God is loving obedience.  The amazing part of it is that God’s grace and mercy is always available to us, its only if we desire to see it.  Ultimately God’s desire seems quite simple, obedience.  God doesn’t desire the kind of obedience where he is a power tripping King sitting on his throne, waiting to throw a lightning bolt at us when we fail.  Rather God eagerly desires for us to take delight in, rejoice in, and draw near to Him! John 14:15 If you love me, you will obey me.  So when obey God, an intimate relationship has formed.  The relationship has an opportunity grow everyday, but that relationship depends on you drawing near!

Photo by Anna Chan

Last week our team had the opportunity to explore a portion of the Sahara Desert in Mauritania. After staying a few nights in the desert, the men on our trip decided to join the fashion and purchase a turban! I happened to purchase my turban from an 18 year old boy spoke some English.  After eating two nights at the restaurant near where he worked, our team was invited over to the boys house for tea.  We couldn’t pass up the opportunity to meet his family and drink Mauritanian tea! We had tea on a carpet in the sand under the countless stars.  We had the opportunity to communicate with the boy we wanted to pray for him and his family.  After he understood through an Arabic translation what we meant, he responded that he desires to know the truth between our religions. He wants to know the true way to God. We had the chance to briefly share a picture with him that we use called the Kingdom Circles. The kingdom circles compare the similarities between our Christianity and Islam, but explains that there is one way to God that is Jesus.  I have exchanged emails with this boy and we are going to communicate through Ramadan. Please pray that as he draws near to God, God reveals the truth to him! I am filled with hope for this boy and this area because God is not the God of confusion.  His faithfulness that continues through all generations. (Psalm 100:5)

Over the weekend we have received an opportunity to build a bio sand filter for an entirely unreached village. The bio sand filter is used to purify nearly all viruses from unclean water.  We are currently staying with some workers from our organization who hope to gain access to this community. Please pray for favor!

Ps - Hawkeye sighting in St Louis...  St. Louis Senegal that is!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Atlas Mountains

Pslam 149:4a For the Lord takes delight in his people.

After an extended string of days in the Atlas Mountains, I am left more certain than ever this verse rings true.  I feel so energized and encouraged by God's love for his people it's hard to begin to place something this big into words, but I will try!  Originally our team planned to stay one night in the mountains, but that quickly changed to four.  I feel more than privileged to get experience our glorious God’s creation of the Atlas Mountains; trekking in through, and around the mountains and rivers. Although it was surreal, I am left more captivated by our God's unique creation and love for the Berber tribes.  Before we even got out of our vehicles, I knew this was a special culture.  Children flocked from the rocks and fields just to wave at our passing cars.  Nearly everyone we passed, whether in the field working or riding along side the road on a donkey was overjoyed by our passing.  Not to mention the two homes who allowed us to stop in for tea and bread.

A small town in the middle of the Atlas

At the end of our first day of travel we stopped for the night to get some rest in a small mountain town.  A team member and I were two minutes into our walk of exploring the town before we were stopped by two guys we will call Hammu and Shane. Shane was a friendly tourist from England, and Hammu was a local Berber. After hearing many stories from Shane about the numerous villages and paths that exist off the map that Hammu had led him to. We felt we couldn't pass up the opportunity to interact with more Berber's and nomads.  We tried planning a few different routes to get to some of these unengaged areas, but since they weren't on our map we weren't sure how we would get through.  Luckily for us Hammu offered to journey with us for the next few nights to take us to this villages!  Are first night with Hammu  was incredible.  The highlight came when we were able to share the gospel with Hammu from creation to Christ around the camp fire.  Besides the small viper snake beneath my tent the following morning, things couldn't have been better! Pray for Hammu, pray the Holy Spirit reveals the truth to him!

The next week for our team will consist of traveling through a couple countries to reach our next destination. Please pray safety over our vehicles, health, and for divine appointments where Christ's love can be revealed!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Tracking Thoughts on Traveling Trains

I have always been one who enjoys talking over writing, so I would much rather sit over a cup of coffee than write this all out!  With that said, I invite you call me out on that coffee next time I’m back J

While traveling on one of the many trains we have taken so far, I fell into one of those deep thinking moments. Part of this moment came up from listening to the song – With Everything by Hillsong. If you haven’t heard it before I encourage you to check out the song below!

Although I have heard and sang this song countless times a certain line struck me in a way it never had ever before - “With everything, We will shout for your glory.”  I began to ask myself, do I really mean “With Everything?” I mean seriously.  What does that even look like! Is it even possible?  I mean, I love Jesus so of course it’s with everything.  I love how he walked in perfect truth, he healed the sick, and died for my sins.  But if I am really honest with myself, in many areas of life I desire the idea of Jesus being my role model, more than I desire to become like him.  For example I often prefer to win an argument rather than swallowing my pride.  I’m not a big fan of turning my other cheek, I don’t really want to wash your feet, and I won’t forgive you right away if you spit on me. The reality is Jesus laid down his rights for me, yet I spend much of my life fighting for mine.

After doing some reading, listening, and reflecting on some of our trains, I want to invite you to reflect on some of our inheritance!

We are adopted sons and daughters of the most high. Even more exciting, we aren’t black sheep of the family. We are co-heirs with Christ!  (Romans 8:13-17)

Psalm 63:3 For your love oh Lord is better than life,

Psalm 73:25-26 Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

With the many promises from God why isn’t it easy to shout for glory?   After doing a little research apparently it’s not that uncommon. Over 1/3 of the Psalms are of lament and groaning.  On top of so many Psalms professing pain, EVERY prophet in the bible except Haggai as at least one lament.  So what do we do with this? I believe we have an opportunity to make our laments either purposeful or purposeless, and the choice is ours.

Before I start discuss a few difficult areas where it is tough to shout for his glory, I want to make clear I don’t claim to know the extent of your pain or suffering.  What I do claim is that we serve a God who does. So as I unpack some ideas, I tread lightly knowing the circumstance you face may seem impossible to shout for His glory.  My goal is in bringing some of this into the light is that we can understand our suffering a little better and that we can be one step closer to shouting for His glory.

I believe this is such an importance issue to take note of because if you haven’t experienced suffering yet, you will because its part of our inheritance - When we are in glad submission to God almighty, we are immediately against the odds of our culture. (Chandler) - 2 Timothy 2:12 In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.

John 16:33b In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.

1 Peter 4:12 Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you

1 Peter 5:8-9 Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world.

So unfortunately suffering appears to be part of the package that we inherit with Christ.  The good news is it doesn’t have to be in vain.  We have a choice to make our suffering purposeful or purposeless. Mark Driscoll (Joy of Suffering sermon) asks some difficult questions that I believe really put our suffering into perspective.

1.  Will your suffering compel you to love Jesus more?  Often times our brokenness compels us to chose Jesus because we have nothing else!

2.  Will your suffering purify your motives? Paul had no health, no wealth, no freedom.  Paul had nothing to gain on this earth but Jesus.

3.  Will your suffering reorient your priorities towards the gospel?  I know often I have chosen things like comfort, wealth and simplicity instead of Jesus.

4. Will your chains of suffering become opportunities to speak of Jesus?  Your pain relate to what others are going through.

5. Will the Christians who watch you suffer and hear you suffer grow in their faith? Paul: What has happened to me brothers has really served to advance the gospel.

6. Will non-believers become Christians because of your suffering? Paul had up to 9,000 Roman soldiers talking about Jesus because he was in chains.

Another perspective on suffering that I find truth in is a quote from Matt Chandler

“Why is suffering a part of the package? It is not cruel, unjust, or wicked of God to wound you in such a way that it knocks out the props of self-reliance and to put your reliance on him. It would be far more cruel of God to allow you continue to prop yourself up by means of self-reliance. That makes you a slave. God disciplines those he calls sons, and scourges all of those who are his children. It is not cruel of God at all to take from you what might lead you into an eternity of sorrow, to give you sorrow now that leads to an eternity of ever increasing joy.  What you have is a lack of trust in the sovereignty of God.”

So we are told so often in the Psalms, to rejoice! Rejoice! We also know Apostle Paul says in suffering, rejoice.  I don’t know about you, but that is about the last thing I want to hear.  The reason is because we associate joy with an emotion, and you can’t command anyone to have an emotion.  So we can chose to rejoice!  We aren’t called to rejoice in way suffering feels, rather the purpose of it.  That God and his grace enables us to trust him more and that he uses it for people non-Christians to come to faith, and Christians to become strong Christians!  18 times in the New Testament Joy and Suffering are paired together.  The only way we can have joy in suffering is through Jesus.  Here are 5 ways Jesus suffered purposefully.

  1. Jesus took our sin and took our salvation by suffering.
  2. Jesus suffered as an example for us.
  3. Jesus continues to suffer for us.  At Paul’s conversion the Lord said “Saul Saul, why do you continue to persecute me?” I will never leave you nor forsake you. 
  4. A day is coming when Jesus will put an end to all suffering.
  5. Jesus said we will have tribulation.

Since we know tribulations will come, embrace them and suffer well because that could be the difference in someone else’s life.  Thoughts?

You can make living by what you get, but you can make a life by what you give.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

!Eat Eat أكل الطعام

The last two weeks have been an exciting whirlwind of culture, languages, and religion.  I would describe the culture here as a mix of Africa, Europe and what I perceive the Middle East to be, all mixed into one. Most people here speak French and Arabic.  Prayer five times a day is a very important part of the Muslim culture.  Anywhere you are in the cities you can here a loud speaker calling people in Arabic to pray.  Unfortunately for me I am woken up many mornings by the call to pray at sunrise!

We just came off a wonderful week of team time that was filled with prayer, worship, and learning culture.  Earlier this week we moved in with a Muslim family whose son is a mutual friend of our team.  It has been an incredible experience so far.  We have been overly blessed by their hospitality.  At the moment I am eating like a King!  We arrived yesterday around 4pm to some wonderful pastries and mint tea.  Shortly after we were eating again at 6.  Take into account, none of us have ever met any of these family members and they don’t speak ANY English! Fortunately a member of our team speaks Arabic, but we soon found out it is a different dialect so we can hardly communicate!  All I could do was smile and laugh because that is universal! One thing we were informed of during our team week was that Muslims love to keep putting food on the table for you, and that is just what we experienced. The mother took notice of who was eating and who wasn’t.  To those who were’ eating, t the mom would point and say kooli kooli, meaning eat eat! So I decided took grab a large portion of the bread and say kooli kooli back to her. The mother and aunt burst into laughter because I was saying eat eat to a girl.  Eat eat to a guy I soon learned was kool kool. For the rest of the meal she would point at me and say kool kool. So I kept eating each time until  I was far past being full and we all kept laughing.  Later that night when the husband came home we ate dinner around 11.  When the wife introduced us, I was introduced as kool kool.  Since then I have adopted this new nickname and it is brought up every time we eat!  Today I was asked to help make a dish everyone eats on Fridays called couscous. (which is delicious!) This was significant because we have asked to help in the kitchen all week but she has refused to let us help out and for some reason she asked me to help.  Pray this Muslim family see’s HIS love through us!  

I had the opportunity to get a shave but it came with a price as after I felt like Kevin Mcallister from Home Alone!

*For the sake of our security and those we are involved I need to censor details of locations and names.  I apologize for vague descriptions!  If you would like to know more information email me directly and I can send you a private link with location details.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

North & West Africa Trip - NWAT

Its just a few hours before I hop on a plane to Paris then Casablanca Morocco!  I couldn't be more blessed to have seen so many great friends and family during my short stay back in the states.  I am being sent off covered in support and prayer by my family, many friends, and two churches.  I couldn't be more grateful.  You know who you are and to you I say thank you!  For those I haven't had the chance to connect with while I was back, here is a brief update on my next journey over the next 6 months.

Mission - We want to build a bridge for unengaged and unreached people groups by exploring North and West Africa.  Through access ministries such as Justice Water, we will attempt to build a long term relationship with the intention of sending longer term teams and missionaries in areas that may not have access to a church, missionary or even have a Christian! 

Check out this video for a better perspective on the water crisis around the globe.

Prayer - Here are a few prayer points that we will need throughout our trip.

- Safety
- Visa and border crossings
- Influence and favor among tribes in the name of Jesus!

Check out this video for a brief taste of some things we will be encountering and seeing on our journey!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Highlights of Masi

Its hard for me to believe my time in Cape Town has come to an end, yet I am comforted that God's time hasn't!  Thankfully the Holy Spirit was preparing hearts before I ever dreamt of going to Africa.  I had the opportunity to step into countless hours of prayer before I arrived, and hours of prayer while I was there.  Today I proudly join the Apostle Paul and boast in what the Lord has done and allowed me to take part in!

- Friday April 13th, Matt, Dan Greeno, Dan Shannon, and I were able to take communion with Papi and Sydwell. This day marked their first time ever hearing about what communion is, let alone experiencing it.

- In March a few of the gangsters robbed the Rastas who lived next to us in Masi. Papi felt it wasn't right so it tracked them down and told them to give it back!

- The day before I left Cape Town I was told by a good friend who worked with me in Masi that Papi was discipling a 13 year drug dealer. Clearly Papi still has his struggles (just like me), but he is seeking Jesus more each day! I believe this is what Jesus had in mind when he said make disciples and what Paul meant when he wrote 2 Timothy 2:2.

- The morning I flew out of Cape Town I woke up to a text message from Sydwell. He said "Morning mr jay i like to say you must go well i hope jesus follows you brother god bless you i will be thinking of you thankx" 

The harvest is plentiful. How can you live the Kingdom of God today?

Friday, April 6, 2012

Lost Sheep Found

Last week while Matt, Dan, and I were in Masi I was able to have one of the most exciting and encouraging conversations I have ever had. While cooking a traditional African meal called "Pap," Papi began to open up. Papi began sharing about his successful few weeks of conquering his drug addictions. He then asked me a question I am still smiling over. "Have you ever heard about the 99 sheep and the 1 that was lost? That lost she is me, and I am no found." I was in shock as he continued to share about what God was doing in his life.  He then apologized for not believing me God was real before. As Papi was about to leave for the night  he thanked us for choosing to stay in Masi. "It gives me a reason not hang out with my friends and smoke."

Papi told me this morning he is waking up extra early Sunday because he doesn't want to miss the Easter Celebration at All Nations.  Also, Papi is excited to join us tomorrow night for a community worship and prayer night!

Luke 15:7  I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.
Eating in Masi with Sive and Papi (right)
Papi wasnt the only one Masi Heaven has been rejoicing over last week...

Sydwell physically, mentally and spiritually is an entirely different man. Last Friday marked the first time in years he had not been drunk on any day of the weekend.  Sydwell has now gone two Friday and Saturdays in row without touching alcohol.  God has so strongly gotten a hold of his heart my own faith is incredibly encouraged.  Sydwell just received an English bible two weeks ago and it is already highlighted in many different places. He reads his bible in Xhosa and English because it helps him remember better.

Last night we were able to visit Sydwell in the hospital before his skin graft today.  Last November Sydwell a candle fell in the night and set his right pant leg on fire.  I would be doing the severity of his burn an injustice if I didn't mention he doesn't have skin from his knee to ankle on the inside of his calf.  When we first walked into the room to see Sydwell he was doing nothing other than reading the word. He read John chapters 3-23 yesterday! With a big smile on his face we were able to speak with him and spend a little time attempting to comfort him, but there was one problem... he didn't even seem to need the comfort.  I couldn't sense any discomfort, loneliness, or aniexity for his surgery.  As we were about to leave I asked him if he knew it was Easter weekend and his response I will never forget. "Yes Mr. Jay I know, Jesus transformed my life."

Martin, Sydwell (with his bible!) , Dan, Matt and I at the hospital.
Our purpose in life is to give God glory, although thats not all. If that was simply all, God would have already taken us to heaven to better fulfill our purpose.  OUr purpose in life is to also make His name known. If we are living only to give God glory, we only have know half of his heart.

How can you give God glory AND make His name known this Easter weekend?  

Monday, March 19, 2012


Within the first few minutes I met Sidwel he told me "I rob and kill people like you."  Shortly after his anger left he said "Jesus has given me a second chance. I have seen him in my dreams and he told me to stop being a gangster." Check out this cool God story for more!

After coming back today from Masi, we showed Sydwell's picture to a few people and we received two responses.  The first response was that he wasn't even recognizedat by some at All Nations because he was smiling.  The other response we received from 3 different locals in Masi was "This is one of the most dangerous men in all of Masi."

It is evident that Sidwel is in a very strong spiritual battle.  The best thing we can do for him is to pray.  I invite you to pray for Sidwel throughout this week as we are meeting him again Wednesday and Friday!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Masi House

Two weeks ago Dan, Matt and I were given the opportunity to move into the All Nations house in Masiphumelele for the weekends!  In the video below you can check out the house.

The reason for moving into Masi was simple. Not only has it increased the amount of time we are able to spend in Masi, it has increased our influence.  Just this morning we meet 3 men walking towards the wetlands who stopped us.  The man who first grabbed our attention was named Syril. The first thing he was I want to thank you for giving us hope. He told us a story about how black people used to get fined for walking through "white neighborhoods," and no white people would ever walk through a black neighborhood.  He said seeing white people walk through Masi makes us feel human.  This provided an opportunity for Dan and I to share with all three of these men that we not only were just walking in Masi, but that we also lived in Masi for the weekends.  When they heard this they didn't believe us, and got really excited.  After we talked awhile with them we ended our time with Syril, Dan and Oscar planning to meet next week for a discovery bible study! Please pray this week for these men!

Though I am free and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible.  To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law. To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law), so as to win those not having the law.  To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.  I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings. 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 

What rights are you clinging onto that God is calling to you give up for the sake of your witness?

Monday, March 5, 2012

Discipleship Video

Last week in CPx we discussed discipleship and it reminded me of this video I saw last fall.  Check out this video and be inspired! Be sure to check for a video update this week of what God has been doing in Masiphumelele!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Missional Heart

Have you ever experienced a revelation before solely because of the way something was said?  A revelation in the sense where you may have heard something 100 times, may have even taught on the subject, or even been trying to model it but then for some reason it clicked?  Today Floyd McClung unlocked a piece of church that has had my head spinning! 

Before I get to that revelation I want to share with you All Nations 3 core values.

Love the World – Mission
            Share the gospel to those who don’t know Jesus
            Go and make disciples
            Serve and empower the poor

Love God – Worship
            Experience and enjoy the Father’s love
            Spend time daily in prayer and the word
            Live lives pleasing to the father

Love Each Other – Community
            Discipling relationships
            Accountability and transparency
            Love and care for each other 

At All Nations currently I am in the 2nd week of our Church Planting eXperience (CPx.) If I could break down CPx into one sentence it would simply be – Sticking a syringe into “church” and removing everything you have ever know about it and you are left with biblical truth.  This week All Nations has been celebrating and studying all of the different models of church.   A few different examples of models would be Traditional Sunday service, Mega Church model (Bill Hybel seeker friendly), Recovery Groups model (Rick Warren), Cell Church model, House Church model, Dynamic Worship (Hillsong), and the list goes on.  Which one is the best?  I believe whatever one is producing fruitful disciples is most effective for that make up of people, but that is another discussion J

With all of this said my point comes to this: In the bible you will find 3 things that make up church – Mission, Community, and Worship (listed above).  Not a church that has these things divided into different areas of the church, but a group of believers that all possess these 3 values make up church.   It doesn’t matter age, size, style or building type as long as these 3 values are modeled.

I could discuss what church is forever, but I want to get to my revelation today about the heart of mission.  After listening to Floyd I was blown away by this concept “Community is the result from God’s mission. To have community without mission is only half of God’s heart.” My entire life I have grown up thinking and believing a church (no matter what type) gathers for the purpose of community. From that community worship flows and mission is created.  As humans it’s difficult sometimes to hear, but I believe that mission needs to be the driving force to a community.  If mission is lacking from community, not only is that half of God’s heart, but our worship is not as full as it can be.  Community without mission short circuits God’s glory, which is why we were created! I grew up believing since evangelism wasn’t my spiritual gift, “mission” was for the “missionary’s” and “pastors.”  In Matthew 28 Jesus says, “Go and make disciples.”  Floyd would describe discipleship as “Intentional relationship for Jesus.” 

You don’t need to be an ordained Pastor, a missionary, or on cross cultural missions trip to be missional, you just need to make disciples. Those discipleship relationships can even take place within your home.   My favorite author and famous Pastor Mark Batterson from DC says it well, “I want to be most famous in my home.”  What a better place to start discipleship than in your home? You may not be able to erase your past, but you sure can start to create your future today.  Its never too late for God to use you.    

I realize some may hold different views on certain areas of church but I sincerely hope this blog has been challenging, inspiring, and thought provoking to you on your journey of what church and mission means to you!