Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Missional Heart

Have you ever experienced a revelation before solely because of the way something was said?  A revelation in the sense where you may have heard something 100 times, may have even taught on the subject, or even been trying to model it but then for some reason it clicked?  Today Floyd McClung unlocked a piece of church that has had my head spinning! 

Before I get to that revelation I want to share with you All Nations 3 core values.

Love the World – Mission
            Share the gospel to those who don’t know Jesus
            Go and make disciples
            Serve and empower the poor

Love God – Worship
            Experience and enjoy the Father’s love
            Spend time daily in prayer and the word
            Live lives pleasing to the father

Love Each Other – Community
            Discipling relationships
            Accountability and transparency
            Love and care for each other 

At All Nations currently I am in the 2nd week of our Church Planting eXperience (CPx.) If I could break down CPx into one sentence it would simply be – Sticking a syringe into “church” and removing everything you have ever know about it and you are left with biblical truth.  This week All Nations has been celebrating and studying all of the different models of church.   A few different examples of models would be Traditional Sunday service, Mega Church model (Bill Hybel seeker friendly), Recovery Groups model (Rick Warren), Cell Church model, House Church model, Dynamic Worship (Hillsong), and the list goes on.  Which one is the best?  I believe whatever one is producing fruitful disciples is most effective for that make up of people, but that is another discussion J

With all of this said my point comes to this: In the bible you will find 3 things that make up church – Mission, Community, and Worship (listed above).  Not a church that has these things divided into different areas of the church, but a group of believers that all possess these 3 values make up church.   It doesn’t matter age, size, style or building type as long as these 3 values are modeled.

I could discuss what church is forever, but I want to get to my revelation today about the heart of mission.  After listening to Floyd I was blown away by this concept “Community is the result from God’s mission. To have community without mission is only half of God’s heart.” My entire life I have grown up thinking and believing a church (no matter what type) gathers for the purpose of community. From that community worship flows and mission is created.  As humans it’s difficult sometimes to hear, but I believe that mission needs to be the driving force to a community.  If mission is lacking from community, not only is that half of God’s heart, but our worship is not as full as it can be.  Community without mission short circuits God’s glory, which is why we were created! I grew up believing since evangelism wasn’t my spiritual gift, “mission” was for the “missionary’s” and “pastors.”  In Matthew 28 Jesus says, “Go and make disciples.”  Floyd would describe discipleship as “Intentional relationship for Jesus.” 

You don’t need to be an ordained Pastor, a missionary, or on cross cultural missions trip to be missional, you just need to make disciples. Those discipleship relationships can even take place within your home.   My favorite author and famous Pastor Mark Batterson from DC says it well, “I want to be most famous in my home.”  What a better place to start discipleship than in your home? You may not be able to erase your past, but you sure can start to create your future today.  Its never too late for God to use you.    

I realize some may hold different views on certain areas of church but I sincerely hope this blog has been challenging, inspiring, and thought provoking to you on your journey of what church and mission means to you!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jay,
    I finally went to your blog to get an update on your life and work in Africa. I'm so glad your parents and Ashley were able to visit you!! I hope that Joe and I will be able to do that as well.
    Your comments on church, mission, and community were interesting and timely for me as well. At our church here in Florida we are doing a study church wide :
    SENT Living the Missional Nature of the Church by Ed Stetzner.
    I have been learning about what the missional nature of church is and what it looks like. The entire study begins with seeing God as the Sender; then on to Jesus, the Holy Spirit and to us. We are all sent!! It is written in a way that has totally opened my mind in a huge way to a much larger vision or picture of what our purpose is here and now.
    Ed is director of LifeWay Research and is their missiologist in residence. I haven't read his daily blog yet, but soon!! at edstetzner com.
    We are so glad to partner with you in Africa!! Mary King
