Thursday, April 26, 2012

Highlights of Masi

Its hard for me to believe my time in Cape Town has come to an end, yet I am comforted that God's time hasn't!  Thankfully the Holy Spirit was preparing hearts before I ever dreamt of going to Africa.  I had the opportunity to step into countless hours of prayer before I arrived, and hours of prayer while I was there.  Today I proudly join the Apostle Paul and boast in what the Lord has done and allowed me to take part in!

- Friday April 13th, Matt, Dan Greeno, Dan Shannon, and I were able to take communion with Papi and Sydwell. This day marked their first time ever hearing about what communion is, let alone experiencing it.

- In March a few of the gangsters robbed the Rastas who lived next to us in Masi. Papi felt it wasn't right so it tracked them down and told them to give it back!

- The day before I left Cape Town I was told by a good friend who worked with me in Masi that Papi was discipling a 13 year drug dealer. Clearly Papi still has his struggles (just like me), but he is seeking Jesus more each day! I believe this is what Jesus had in mind when he said make disciples and what Paul meant when he wrote 2 Timothy 2:2.

- The morning I flew out of Cape Town I woke up to a text message from Sydwell. He said "Morning mr jay i like to say you must go well i hope jesus follows you brother god bless you i will be thinking of you thankx" 

The harvest is plentiful. How can you live the Kingdom of God today?

Friday, April 6, 2012

Lost Sheep Found

Last week while Matt, Dan, and I were in Masi I was able to have one of the most exciting and encouraging conversations I have ever had. While cooking a traditional African meal called "Pap," Papi began to open up. Papi began sharing about his successful few weeks of conquering his drug addictions. He then asked me a question I am still smiling over. "Have you ever heard about the 99 sheep and the 1 that was lost? That lost she is me, and I am no found." I was in shock as he continued to share about what God was doing in his life.  He then apologized for not believing me God was real before. As Papi was about to leave for the night  he thanked us for choosing to stay in Masi. "It gives me a reason not hang out with my friends and smoke."

Papi told me this morning he is waking up extra early Sunday because he doesn't want to miss the Easter Celebration at All Nations.  Also, Papi is excited to join us tomorrow night for a community worship and prayer night!

Luke 15:7  I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.
Eating in Masi with Sive and Papi (right)
Papi wasnt the only one Masi Heaven has been rejoicing over last week...

Sydwell physically, mentally and spiritually is an entirely different man. Last Friday marked the first time in years he had not been drunk on any day of the weekend.  Sydwell has now gone two Friday and Saturdays in row without touching alcohol.  God has so strongly gotten a hold of his heart my own faith is incredibly encouraged.  Sydwell just received an English bible two weeks ago and it is already highlighted in many different places. He reads his bible in Xhosa and English because it helps him remember better.

Last night we were able to visit Sydwell in the hospital before his skin graft today.  Last November Sydwell a candle fell in the night and set his right pant leg on fire.  I would be doing the severity of his burn an injustice if I didn't mention he doesn't have skin from his knee to ankle on the inside of his calf.  When we first walked into the room to see Sydwell he was doing nothing other than reading the word. He read John chapters 3-23 yesterday! With a big smile on his face we were able to speak with him and spend a little time attempting to comfort him, but there was one problem... he didn't even seem to need the comfort.  I couldn't sense any discomfort, loneliness, or aniexity for his surgery.  As we were about to leave I asked him if he knew it was Easter weekend and his response I will never forget. "Yes Mr. Jay I know, Jesus transformed my life."

Martin, Sydwell (with his bible!) , Dan, Matt and I at the hospital.
Our purpose in life is to give God glory, although thats not all. If that was simply all, God would have already taken us to heaven to better fulfill our purpose.  OUr purpose in life is to also make His name known. If we are living only to give God glory, we only have know half of his heart.

How can you give God glory AND make His name known this Easter weekend?